Friday, June 29, 2012

Review: Dior Glowing Color Powder Blush & Instagram!

Hello! =) It seems like it's been a while since the last time I did a review on a product :O I really should start doing these more often because I have a lot of products that I could be doing a review on but I guess I'm just too lazy.. Well I will certainly try and motivate myself to post more reviews rather then hauls =p lol anyways let's get started with the star of the post! 

Such pretty packaging =) 

Pretty pretty! =) 


My Review! 

I think I purchased this blush probably back in February or March and I must say that I'm a fan of this blush =) I like how there is two shades of pinks so you can use either one or the other, or both at the same time ( which is what I like to do ) and it definitely gives you a nice natural looking flush to your cheeks. I like to apply this blush with a light hand just in case I got too much powder on the blush and then I would just end up looking like a clown which isn't cute =P

As you can see from the swatches, you can see a little bit of shimmer ( you might have to click the image to enlarge it ) and when I applied the blush to my cheeks I honestly didn't notice the shimmers so it came out looking matte which is what I like in a blush. 

Now for lasting power, I would have to say that it lasts around 5 to 6 hours on my skin which is generally the right amount of hours if I were to wear a different blush. And the little brush that it comes with is handy if you want to do touch ups, it's nice and soft not rough and prick-y like some are. 

Now since it is a Dior blush, it is on the pricey side; I believe I purchased it for $34 CAD so I wouldn't say that this would be a product that is a must have but it is nice to have in your collection. 

Well that concludes my review on the one and only Dior blush that I own! =) Hope you guys enjoyed that! Now I want to share with you what has been an obsession of mine, can you take a guess at what it is? Well if you guess Instagram then you're right on! I don't know what it is about this app but I'm loving it! I have been posting a lot of nail polish posts and random ones so if you want to check on what color I have on my nails then find me on there! 

Username: lilh3artz 

I leave you with some of the photos I have posted, until next time! ;) 

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