Monday, March 5, 2012

My Nail Polish Collection! Part 8: Glitters! ( The End! )

Hello hello! We meet again :) I'm so happy that I'm at the last leg of this series for " My Nail Polish Collection! " and if you want to know how many nail polishes I own then stay tuned cause I'm going to announce it later on ;) but in the mean while let's get into the post!

Up Front & Personal || Glitzerland || Simply Smashing! || Extra-Va-Vaganza! || I Lily Love You || Sally Hansen's Strobe Light

Swatches! In the same order as above! :)
Yeah the last three I guess decided to join together LOL!

Okay I'm sure that you guys want to know how many bottles of nail polishes I own right? Well if you want to know then count how many there are down below ;)

Okay I'm not going to be that mean and let you guys tap you computer screens but can I have a drumroll please? ..... 56 BOTTLES!

Haha! Wow I really did accumulate ALOT within the past 2 years that I've started getting into nail polishes and I remember back in the day where I would take my mom's nail polishes and paint mine for fun and of course I gotten it everywhere in my hands *blushes* I still do that today aka get it all around the cuticle/around the nail area.. lol! I ain't no professional :p

Even though the number scares me a little bit, it still won't stop me from buying more because buying nail polishes is just an addiction for me I guess but I can say the same for makeup and clothing -_____- lol! Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed my little series and I'm going to link the posts that I've done before so you guys can go check them out if you haven't done so! Until next time :)

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